Prisons College Education Programs

(b) ex-offenders,
(c) the local religious orders or jails, families, victims, and (d) our communities of ecclesiastical orders,
in the outlook for occupational/marketable skills building to the Ex-offender, Offenders and their families. All class start using two modules: (a) offering local programs of the institutions, and (b) correspondence (for location without a connection to DMECS). Our start dates, for those within community corrections or correctional setting are; Monday, August 26, 2024, Monday, January 27, 2025, Monday, May 19, 2025 & Monday, August 18, 2025. All students (from a correctional system are member of the National Committee for Ex-Offenders
Angela Coker, Program Administrator
Daniel Matthew Ecclesiastical College
College of Institutional Studies
P.O. Box 24742
Saint Louis, Missouri 63115
Phone: (636) 224-6642 X 8100
Your Ecclesiastical Occupational & Marketable Skills Builder for true Re-Entry Goals
Testimonials Facts:
Educating those within our Institutions
1. 43% lower odds of recidivism than inmates who did not.