Angela CokerWhile we offer a wide range of programs for those within the correctional setting. The core goal center upon providing a early start to re-entry in connection to their faith, while supporting four groups;
(a) offenders,

(b) ex-offenders,                     

(c) the local religious orders or jails, families, victims, and                (d) our communities of ecclesiastical orders,

in the outlook for occupational/marketable skills building to the Ex-offender, Offenders and their families. All class start using two modules: (a) offering local programs of the institutions, and (b) correspondence (for location without a connection to DMECS). Our start dates, for those within community corrections or correctional setting are; Monday, August 18, 2025, Monday, January 26, 2026, Monday, May 18, 2026 & Monday, August 24 2026.  All students (from a correctional system are member of the National Committee for Ex-Offenders

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                                                            Angela Coker, Program Administrator

                                                               Daniel Matthew Ecclesiastical College

                                                           College of Institutional Studies

                                                       P.O. Box 24742

                                                         Saint Louis, Missouri 63115

                                                    Phone: (636) 224-6642 X 8100


The College of Institutional Studies is  an auxiliary of the Daniel Matthew Ecclesiastical College system (DMECS) and of the “World Council of the National Assembly of Churches.” Developed to support prison ministry, by providing ecclesiastical occupational & marketable skills to persons held within our correctional centers. We do not provide any college credit to persons within correctional institutions (except in a limited number of programs or ex-change students). All programs are skill based for professional studies in the given field or ministry the prisoner seeks.

Your Ecclesiastical Occupational & Marketable Skills Builder for true Re-Entry Goals

 Testimonials Facts:

Educating those  within our Institutions

A 2014 study published by RAND Corporation, “How Effective is Correctional Education, and Where Do We Go from Here?”
Critically analyzes results across 267 empirical studies, performing what is called research “met analysis.”
1. 43% lower odds of recidivism than inmates who did not.
2.  Correctional education is a cost effective initiative rather than housing.