"An integrated auxiliary of the Daniel Matthew Ecclesiastical College System"
Minister  Altoe L. Wallace,  (Term Ends March 16, 2027)
Dean of Ecclesiastical Music Studies
Department Admission email:
This School is located in State of North Carolina

Welcome to the DMECS  College of Ecclesiastical Music a program in partnership with your local religious assembly, State music programs to promote the certification of musicians within our community. To enroll simply download the the application and take it to the local church, email to us or mail to:
 Daniel Matthew Ecclesiastical College,
College of  Ecclesiastical Music Studies,
P.O. Box 24742,
Saint Louis, Missouri 63115
Phone: (636) 224-6642 x 710

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The College of Ecclesiastical Music Studies was founded on December 4, 1999 and was enjoined, by the first Dean (Mr. Altoe Wallace), with the development of eight program of studies and the new certification program for inmates in the ministration. Fall class starts on Monday, September 9, 2024. Midway class-on Monday,  January 6, 2025, and Summer class-Monday, June 2, 2025. Please check with admission department for deadline for each registration dates. Online and band classes will be held each week and start every six week of the year, with open enrollment and membership. Local church Musician class are held in connection with the local Director of Music Programs.

Join Us for our 2nd Annual College Christmas Musical program on Saturday, December 21, 2024 in St. Louis, MO.

 Band Program Support
 Application/Theory of Music
 Engineers Training
 Competency of Musician Program
 Promoters Trainer
  Membership Packages
 Musician Benefit & Support
 And much more contact us for details…                           

Music         "David with his harp" External link opens in new tab or windowParis Psalter, c. 960, External link opens in new tab or windowConstantinople

According to External link opens in new tab or windowEaston's Bible Dictionary, External link opens in new tab or windowJubal was named by the Bible as the inventor of musical instruments (Gen. 4:21). The External link opens in new tab or windowHebrews were much given to the cultivation of music. Their whole history and literature afford abundant evidence of this. After the External link opens in new tab or windowDeluge, the first mention of music is in the account of External link opens in new tab or windowLaban's interview with External link opens in new tab or windowJacob (Gen. 31:27).