Developed as a "National Sectarian Educational Program" to provide a baseline for the sectarian order in protection to the ministration. Our core mission is the training of its officials and members. DMECS has a host of partnership (marketable & occupational ) classes with the focus on the needs of the sectarian orders, our local churches, and their operational services to the communities or missions of saving souls. Sixty (60%) present of our programs are held within the local religious partnership or onsite at a business locations. Twenty-five (25%) present of our programs are offered online. Ten (10%) present of our programs are offered to those, by mail, and five (5%) present of our programs are offered to those held within local, State or Federal institutions. D.M.E.C.S. do not have any college campus, our purpose is to bring the ecclesiastical college experience to you, in whatever state or position you are in. That is the ecclesiastical mission for the future of religious learning.
Our ecclesiastical programs or services are provided to religious orders or with connected clients, members or religious orders in the following states; Alabama, Arizona Arkansas, Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Limited degrees are offered related to the sectarian orders in connection to the core of the religious modifiers request. No secular degrees are offered and all no staff official are paid a salary, but receive a parsonage allowance in ex-change for the service of GOD..